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Monster Feed HD v1.1 - 动物家园保卫战

软件大小:12.52 MB 软件价格:$1.99 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPad 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2010-10-27 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:塔防 TD 



-- Key Features --

* Choose from different heroes with unique spells.
- Cast a boulder of ice that rolls over monsters then explodes encasing them in ice.
- Throw a trident that rips through multiple monsters before sticking in the last- bleeding it out.
- Summon the gnasher hound that will rend monsters to death.

* Monsters have special abilities to cut through your defenses!
- Spiders that jump parts of the path.
- A tentacle slime that throws an egg that you must smash (tap) to destroy before it hatches!
- Ghosts that disappear and dodge incoming damage. (sneaky sneaky)

* Action packed tower defense- don't let your guard down!
- Pick up coins and powerups while your enemies toss things to smash.
- Build towers and cast spells to stomp out the monsters.
- Choose preferred targets for your towers and trusty minions!
- Save your animal friends!

* A brief and informative in-game tutorial- don't be scared!

* Large maps! Scroll back and forth along varied sized maps.

* Hours of gameplay! With over a baker's dozen of maps, each having two distinct game-modes, and multiple heroes, there are many hours of enjoyment ahead.


What's New in Version 1.1

- Fixing a bug that would prevent players from being able to play the very last map, Bloody Tossers, in spell overload mode.
- New and improved icon!






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