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Worms 2: Armageddon v1.21 - 百战天虫 2:世界末日

软件大小:201.2 MB 软件价格:¥30.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 5.1.1 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2015-09-08 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:策略 

大名鼎鼎、搞怪幽默的百战天虫 Worms 出资料片啦,最新版本 iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch 通用,不仅有单人过关模式,还支持 4 人在同一设备上进行对战,还可以通过 WIFI 进行对战,玩家可以通过多种方式来创造属于自己的个性战队,游戏性极高。


• The worms are back!
o Authentic Worms™ gameplay with cartoon-style visuals, comical audio and a refined control system using the innovative touch screen user interface.
• New Worms™ Weaponry!
o Defend and attack with new weapons and utilities, including the Sentry Gun, Electromagnet, Napalm Strike, Super Sheep, Petrol Bomb, Armageddon, Drill, Earthquake and Poison Strike.
• Classic Worms™ Weaponry:
o The return of the Sheep, Holy Hand Grenade, Concrete Donkey, Parachute, Baseball Bat and enhanced Ninja Rope.
• Single-player Worms™ Action:
o Campaign Mode: 30 single-player missions across 5 new themes including Manhattan, Medieval, Sports, Construction and Cheese.
o Body Count Mode: The player takes on endless waves of increasingly tough enemies across 5 different themes or a random landscape.
o Practice Mode: A mode where the player can practice with every weapon against A.I. dummy worms.
• Multi-player Worms™ Combat:
o Battle against your friends with offline Bluetooth multi-player action for 1-4 players.
o Take on all-comers from around the globe with online Wi-Fi multi-player action for 1-2 players.
o Master the new game styles – Fort Mode, Forts Pro Mode, Crazy Crates and Custom Game Style
o The return of the favourite game styles - ‘Bazooka and Grenade’, Melee, Gun Show, Heads Up, Lightside, Darkside and Sinking.
o Master the variety of difficulty settings – Beginner, Intermediate and Pro.
• Additional online features:
o Plus+ integration provides in-game Awards, Friends list, Leader-boards.
o Post your high scores and achievements to Twitter and Facebook.
• New customization options:
o NEW – in-depth ability to make custom game styles so players can create whichever game style they want to and play with online or offline.
o NEW - create the team you want with new personalization features – hats, forts, skins and victory dances. 
o NEW - spend gold earned by completing the Campaign missions in the Worms™ shop on new hats, forts, and gravestones or unlock weapons for multi-player games.
o NEW - customise even further with one of the iPhone exclusive bonus hats.
o Further personalization of worm and team names, speech-banks and gravestones.
• Other features:
o For 3GS and iPhone 4 users – improved visuals with animated 3D backgrounds, water effects and other graphical enhancements.
o Unlock up to 30 in-game awards.
o Save game status on quit – automatic save to the last turn if you exit - great for longer battles and for saving your single-player progress.
o Watch your finest victories again with action-replays.
• iPad specific features:
o Crisp high definition visuals, graphical enhancements and special effects.
o Flip the screen! Great for ‘coffee-table’ style play given the support of the screen orientation feature.


版本 1.21 中的新功能

Various bug fixes and improvements.






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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.2.2, v1.3.0, v2.0.0
  • 游客
    2012-06-09 20:14:50发表


  • 游客
    2012-04-10 03:18:52发表


  • 游客
    2012-04-07 20:32:46发表

    我晕 IPAD1 IOS5.0 一点就跳出去了 无语了

  • 爱穿丝袜的妹妹
    2012-04-06 23:15:29发表

    期待中文啊要是 有疯狂坦克就好咯

  • 游客
    2012-04-06 19:02:32发表


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    2011-09-07 23:08:17发表


  • 游客
    2011-09-07 09:34:44发表


  • ロリ調教師
    2011-05-10 20:07:02发表

    我也是刚下这个游戏 觉得耐玩性极高 功能比前作也多了不少 对战模式的多样化 武器的选择不错是不错 只是有个小问题 如何赚钱?玩到现在赢了不少管卡 就是没赚到1分钱 各位有清楚的教えてくださいね#12288;ぜひ#12288

  • 游客
    2011-03-04 15:07:17发表


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    2011-03-04 14:34:22发表


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