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ORC: Vengeance v1.2 - 兽人的复仇

软件大小:500.45 MB 软件价格:¥18.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 4.1 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2013-01-03 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:Chillingo RPG 角色扮演 

Chillingo 推出的一款地牢类动作 RPG 大作,伴随着出众的特效,激烈的战斗,动态的控制,史诗般的 BOSS 战和深沉的故事,与兽族酋长洛克一同,在这个奇幻的大陆上展开复仇之旅。


版本 1.2 中的新功能

New Features:
• iOS 6 support and iPhone 5 widescreen support!
• New virtual joystick control option with onscreen skill buttons. - Use the original tap controls or the new virtual controls!
• Autorun enabled by default!
• New difficulty settings: Grunt (Original Difficulty) | Warrior (Medium) | Warchief (Hard)
• Vengeance will deplete in Warchief difficulty!
• 5 new hidden sub-levels accessed from secret areas of the original campaign levels. They are very hard! Gear up!
• New rare weapons and shields to loot found only in the secret levels!
• New monsters inhabiting the sub-levels.
• Ability to go directly from the vendor to the next campaign level
• New app icon

Bug Fixes:
• Some unattainable achievements were fixed.
• Improved gesture recognition for circle and zigzag gestures.
• Device detection fixes.
• Crash fix for some iOS device models.
• Minor game balancing and game flow tweaks.
• Minor UI fixes.
• Fixed lightning getting stuck "on" when pausing game.
• Fixed some missing FX on 3GS devices






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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.2.1, v1.3.0, v2.0.0
  • 游客
    2012-08-13 11:07:15发表

    玩了一下 不错.

  • 游客
    2012-08-12 23:11:58发表


  • 游客
    2012-08-12 17:07:28发表


  • 游客
    2012-07-26 12:38:02发表

    ,玩的时候非常流畅,一点不丢帧,但是只要一砍蝙蝠就秒退,不砍就没事,我是3GS 5.0.1系统

  • 游客
    2012-07-26 12:28:19发表

    115盘的文件是坏的!! 管理员回复: 码是一样的哦
