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Battleheart Legacy v1.1.3 - 战斗之心遗产

软件大小:407.3 MB 软件价格:¥30.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 5.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2014-06-18 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:角色扮演 RPG 

让战斗之心(Battleheart)的精神重归,续作战斗之心遗产(Battleheart Legacy)全面脱胎换骨!玩家可体验丰富而细致的奇幻世界,利用众多强大的技能和饰品打造独一无二的英雄,与成群的敌人战斗,遭遇古怪角色,发现动乱王国的故事。你会成为一名强大的法师吗,还是声名狼藉的盗贼?是成为高贵的骑士,还是成为野蛮人?你将如何铸造你的遗产?

••• 特点 •••
• 优化的实时战斗系统,基于备受赞誉的“战斗之心”游戏。通过简单的触摸来移动游戏角色或攻击敌人,适时发动强大的特殊动作可扭转战局!
• 无与伦比的动画和视觉效果,每场战斗都是一场视觉盛宴!
• 12个职业超过150个独特技能用于打造游戏角色。可给敌人下毒、使用巨型双手武器粉碎他们,或用歌曲催眠,用陨石摧毁他们。使用我们独特的多职业系统,可将多个职业组成几乎无限的组合。
• 超过200款各式武器可进一步打造你的角色的游戏风格。
• 超难的Boss战斗将考验你的英雄!
• 可使用iCloud在设备之间互传保存的文件。
• 通用应用。
• 提供Game Center成就。


版本 1.1.3 中的新功能

• Fixed a crash that would occur when replacing colossal weapons with another passive while a colossal weapon and the "slaughter" passive are also equipped
• Fixed a crash triggered by using an ability that did damage to yourself (Blood Magic, Reckless Blow) while the knight skill Revenge is active
• Fixed a crash related to using a very small number of skills after swapping your armor/weapons in a dungeon.
• Wynter's Almanac can no longer start talking to you while enemies are present, causing you to be locked into dialog while taking damage.
• Completing the duel with the monk trainer while a continuous damage effect is applied to her (i.e. poisoned knife) will no longer cause her to remain hostile after completing the event.
• Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting frost giants if you had challenged the Ox to a duel but fled before either of you were defeated.





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