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Diamond Digger Saga v1.11.0 - 钻石矿工传奇

软件大小:45.9 MB 软件价格:免费 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 6.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2015-02-10 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:休闲 消除 

一款消除类休闲游戏,你可以在这里挖到钻石和其他特殊珍品。史诗般的冒险等待着你,绿松石酥皮及以后的土地。找到藏宝图,然后去地下寻找宝石。在充满在这个美好的挖钻石的冒险世界里,通过挖掘清理一组 3 个或更多的钻石完成目标,使水经过房间,用自己的方式,发现宝藏。


Diamond Digger Saga features:

● Bright and colorful graphics
● Friendly and fascinating characters living in a fantasy world
● Color bursts, line blasts and dynamite to lend a helping hand
● Unlock boosters and special treasures hidden beneath the ground tiles!
● Easy and fun to play, challenging to master 
● Over 200 levels to complete filled with wondrous delights!
● Leaderboards to watch your friends and competitors!
● Easily sync the game between devices and unlock full game features when connected to the internet


What's New in Version 1.11.0

NEW UPDATE! Love is in the air! Diggy is ready to Share the Love with his friends, and you are the object of our clumsy Cupid's affections!

Discover Diggy's dazzling deal with up to 30% off on all in-game items! From 9am (CET) on Thursday 12th February to 9am (CET) on Monday 16th February.

Note: We are working hard to rapidly fix the Facebook connect issue that some of you are experiencing.





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