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DEAD TRIGGER 2 v0.8.0 - 死亡扳机 2

软件大小:455.5 MB 软件价格:免费 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 7.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2014-10-30 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:射击 FPS 

一款 FPS 射击游戏,继承了《暗影之枪》的高品质游戏画面,使用 Unity 引擎打造,玩家需要在游戏中使用各种武器来击退不断来袭的僵尸怪物。游戏中搭载了一个复杂的“肢解系统”,鼓励玩家发挥创造力去杀死僵尸,例如用激光枪爆头、用斧头断手等。


What's New in Version 0.8.0

Halloween Birthday Party UPDATE
Celebrate the First Anniversary of DT2 with an insane Halloween Party, come and unwrap your presents!

Birthday fun
A Halloween surprise from the zombies. Hurry up, you can only shoot them from Oct. 24th to Nov. 11th.
You’ll find your special b-day gift in your hideout from Oct. 24th to Nov. 17th.

Hideout Decorations
Make some home improvements to your Hideout with some non-traditional decorations, like a zombie aquarium, guitar, carpet, sofa, pool table, beverage vending machine, beach chair, zombie basketball hoop, gym set, a zombie in a cage, mounted zombie head trophies, drums, bathtub with a rubber duckie… and many more items…
What will you choose first?

The Slot Machine is back
We’ve listened to your requests and have brought the Slot Machine fun back.
Only you can decide how much gold you’ll win.

Wild West Pack
An exclusive package for true connoisseurs of classic fire arms.

Coach Shotgun
The double barreled hammer for point-blank fire. With hole in the chest no walker walks again.

Dual Peacemaker
Old wild west classic, unload or die. Face the walkers with Stetson on head and Peacemakers in hands.

Winchester 94
This Wild West period repeating beauty kills with style anywhere in the Wasteland.

Builder Rush Booster
Accelerates the building of barricades and the preparation of traps. You can find the Builder Rush Booster in the Arena in the LuckyBox.

Easy sharing of your video from the Tournament
Become an overnight star via YouTube.





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